人面巨石读后感?The Author s IntrusionRereading Hazlitt Herodotus Chaucer Shakespeare Bos-well Montaigne and certain other emitters of luminosity neverpalls. Now and then I have dipped- only dipped- into my-self with pleasure作者的侵入重读哈兹利特。。。希罗多德。。。乔叟。那么,人面巨石读后感?一起来了解一下吧。
The Author s IntrusionRereading Hazlitt... Herodotus... Chaucer... Shakespeare... Bos-well... Montaigne... and certain other emitters of luminosity neverpalls. Now and then I have dipped- only dipped- into my-self with pleasure... but pursuit of that pleasure is certain tosharpen awareness of words not precise or harmonious... of doggedphrases... of sentences to be remodeled... of transpositions thatwould strengthen grace... of subject matter by hunks that hadbetter be excised... and of interesting... delightful... winged thingsin my head that belong to the written composition. I am sogrounded in respect for the English language as used by noblewriters for more than five hundred years that I have neverbeen contemporaneous with more than four or five writerswhom I admire. My contemporaries have lacked amplitude...wit... Johnsonian horse sense... play of mind... and other virtuescommon to predecessors still waiting to be enjoyed. Most mod-ern American writing in the \"best seller\" lists is so loosely --often sloppily... ignorantly... hideously--composed that it has no appeal for a craftsman disciplined to lucidity and the logic of grammar... bred to a style \"familiar but by no means vul- gar...\" and harmonized from infancy with the rhythms of nature.
Book Description
A selection of Poe's poetry and sixteen of his best-known tales, including "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Black Cat," and "The Pit and the Pendulum.".
About Author
In his short, troubled life Edgar Allan Poe originated the mystery story, brought new psychological depth to the tale of horror, and made inimitable contributions to Romantic poetry and literary criticism. Born in Boston in 1809 to itinerant actors, Poe was orphaned as an infant and sent to live wit
人生,处处布满荆棘,命中注定,生命不止,磨难不息。或许换一种生活的姿态,哪怕平庸的生命也能焕发出光彩。 ——题记
前几日,偶然间看到一篇关于西西弗的文章,讲述了西西弗因恼怒了天神,被处于十分严厉的惩罚:将一块巨大的石头从山底推上山顶,但由于天神们的诅咒,巨石在每次到达山顶的一瞬间,总会自动地滑落至山底。他只得走下山,再次将石头推向山顶,周而复始,无始无终…… 这就是他的命运,仿佛这世间的苦难都降临到他的身上。西西弗是否会为此而天天叹息不止,劳累不断? 思 看了这个故事,我想到了自己。即将步入初三,压力也随着增大,每天有做不完的作业,想起西西弗的悲惨生活,前途未卜,那一张张做不完的像雪花般的试卷,就像是一块巨石,压得我直不起腰。不推,将会被石头压垮,永远坠入深渊;推,这何处是尽头?就在推与不推之间,时间一分一秒流逝,转眼无边无际,无影无踪。可是我知道生命之花还在绽放,未来的生活把握在自己手中。 品 几天后,终于读到了一个让我释怀的结局:西西弗在搬运巨石的过程中,忽然觉得自己搬运石头的动作都是那么优雅、潇洒。于是,所有的劳苦、疲惫、绝望都在一瞬间消逝,他不再抱怨,开始全身心地享受这份美感。奇迹发生了,诅咒竟在那一刹那解除了,巨石不再滚下,西西弗终于从永无止尽的苦役中重获自由。
The Author s IntrusionRereading Hazlitt... Herodotus... Chaucer... Shakespeare... Bos-well... Montaigne... and certain other emitters of luminosity neverpalls. Now and then I have dipped- only dipped- into my-self with pleasure... but pursuit of that pleasure is certain tosharpen awareness of words not precise or harmonious... of doggedphrases... of sentences to be remodeled... of transpositions thatwould strengthen grace... of subject matter by hunks that hadbetter be excised... and of interesting... delightful... winged thingsin my head that belong to the written composition. I am sogrounded in respect for the English language as used by noblewriters for more than five hundred years that I have neverbeen contemporaneous with more than four or five writerswhom I admire. My contemporaries have lacked amplitude...wit... Johnsonian horse sense... play of mind... and other virtuescommon to predecessors still waiting to be enjoyed. Most mod-ern American writing in the \"best seller\" lists is so loosely --often sloppily... ignorantly... hideously--composed that it has no appeal for a craftsman disciplined to lucidity and the logic of grammar... bred to a style \"familiar but by no means vul- gar...\" and harmonized from infancy with the rhythms of nature.
Book Description
A selection of Poe's poetry and sixteen of his best-known tales, including "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Black Cat," and "The Pit and the Pendulum.".