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The book of Dracula attracted my sight as soon as I saw it in the library . I thought it may be very exciting ,although I have not seen some terrible stories like this .

In this book ,it said that there are some vampires who never died during that time .They did not go out in the daytime but l laid in a box with some earth .They often attracted people and brought people's blood in the night . People thought the world would has more and more vampires, because the people who bitten by vampire also can become vampire and bite another . If the people were attracted by the vampire ,they would be in the control of the vampire .

During reading the book ,I was surprised that the vampires can not enter the people 's houses ,if they have not been invited .

People in that time used a lot of ways to protect themselves from being attracted by vampires .Such as ,they often put a gold cross on a chain around the their necks and put some garlics in their houses.They thought god can help them if they pray to it .

If you want to destroy the vampire completely ,you should do three things .first, you should find the place where the vampire lived in daytime .second ,you may do a terrible things ,you need to hold the stake and point it at their heart .last,cut down the vampire's head.

The book said that the author's darling was attracted by the vampire and she was in the control of him .Before the authors daring turned to vampire ,he and his friends tried their best to find the vampire's place and killed him .luckily ,in the end ,the vampires were all destroyed ,and the world become peaceful.


The book of Dracula attracted my sight as soon as I saw it in the library .I thought it may be very exciting ,although I have not seen some terrible stories like this .

In this book ,it said that there are some vampires who never died during that time .They did not go out in the daytime but l laid in a box with some earth .They often attracted people and brought people's blood in the night .People thought the world would has more and more vampires,because the people who bitten by vampire also can become vampire and bite another .If the people were attracted by the vampire ,they would be in the control of the vampire .

During reading the book ,I was surprised that the vampires can not enter the people 's houses ,if they have not been invited .

People in that time used a lot of ways to protect themselves from being attracted by vampires .Such as ,they often put a gold cross on a chain around the their necks and put some garlics in their houses.They thought god can help them if they pray to it .

If you want to destroy the vampire completely ,you should do three things .first,you should find the place where the vampire lived in daytime .second ,you may do a terrible things ,you need to hold the stake and point it at their heart .last,cut down the vampire's head.

The book said that the author's darling was attracted by the vampire and she was in the control of him .Before the authors daring turned to vampire ,he and his friends tried their best to find the vampire's place and killed him .luckily ,in the end ,the vampires were all destroyed ,and the world become peaceful.


麦琪的礼物读后感 欧亨利的微型小说《麦琪的礼物》中所讲述的,是一个圣诞节里发生在社会下层的小家庭中荒唐却感人的故事。男主人公吉姆是一位薪金仅够维持生活的小职员,女主人公德拉是一位贤惠善良的主妇。他们的生活贫穷,但吉姆和德拉各自拥有一样极珍贵的宝物——吉姆祖传的一块金表就算“地下室堆满金银财宝、所罗门王又是守门人的话,每当吉姆路过那儿,准会摸出金表,好让那所罗门王忌妒得吹胡子瞪眼睛”;德拉一头美丽的瀑布般的秀发则可以“使那巴示女王的珍珠宝贝黔然失色”。为了能在圣诞节送给对方一件礼物,吉姆卖掉了他的金表为德拉买了一套“纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝”的梳子;德拉卖掉了自己的长发为吉姆买了一条白金表链。头次知道这个文章的时候是在收音机里听到的。那时候年纪很小收听的时候没有什么感觉,只是有个困惑让我百思不得其解,为什么小说里面的主人公表带和梳子都买不起?直到后来看到原著才明白那是镶满宝石的梳子和白金的表带。当时电台选用这个小说播放也是为了当时的政治需要,好让我们感受到社会主义的温暖资本阶级社会的丑恶,当然了这些都是长大以后才慢慢明白的。 自从接触到这个原作之后,这个小说就一直伴随着我。时不时的拿出来温习下里面的情节,故事虽小但是处处闪烁着人性的光辉,温暖亲情、至爱、忠贞。



Robinson goes to Brazil and leaves Xury with the captain. The captain and a widow in England are Crusoe's financial guardians. In the new country, Robinson observes that much wealth comes from plantations. He resolves to buy one for himself. After a few years, he has some partners, and they are all doing very well financially. Crusoe is presented with a new proposition: to begin a trading business. These men want to trade slaves, and they want Robinson to be the master of the tradepost. Although he knows he has enough money, Crusoe decides to make the voyage. A terrible shipwreck occurs and Robinson is the only survivor. He manages to make it to the shore of an island.

爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是一部被公认为世界儿童文学经典的童话,由于其中丰富的想象力和种种隐喻,不但深受各代儿童欢迎,也被视为一部严肃的文学作品。

以上就是德拉库拉读后感的全部内容,德拉库拉声称要在伦敦购置房屋,哈克便轻易地落入了他的圈套。实际上,德拉库拉伯爵早已死去,并在死后变成了一个吸血鬼,靠吸食活人的血为生。 在城堡逗留期间,乔纳森??哈克感到莫名的恐惧和怀疑。在意识到自己处于吸血鬼的控制之后,他决定冒生命危险逃走。与此同时,哈克的未婚妻明娜和好友露茜一起外出度假。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

