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红楼梦英语读后感?1、首先需要知道读后感的英文翻译,读后感的英文翻译为the impression of after-reading +书名。2、其次,需要知道常见著作的英文翻译,比如红楼梦:Dream of Red Mansions;三国演义:Romance of the Three Kingdoms;水浒传:outlaws of the mars。二、英语读后感的标题范例 1、那么,红楼梦英语读后感?一起来了解一下吧。




















红楼梦读后感200 字






"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition"Away without leaving not throwing down bits of gold, forget losing Mok forget psychic jade", so a sentimental style of Jia Bao-Yu, delicate sickly Lin Daiyu, shaped the touching love tragedy of a feudal family of the Qing dynasty.

Author Cao Xueqin through the dream of the red, revealing dark feudal society at that time, also expressed his discontent and anger.

Story about the childhood illness of Lin Daiyu came Ekuni House gradually between Jia Zheng and innate psychic jade and unruly son Yu's love and his sister Feng with switch meters, Jia Bao-Yu marry Xue with bits of gold, was vomiting blood and killed by Lin Dai-Yu, Jia Bao-Yu's heart, the vexations, become a Buddhist monk or nun's story.

I really feel sad for Lin Dai-Yu and unworthy, their tragic fate and regret.But hold the character itself is not at fault, people hate it is the kind of feudal tradition






以上就是红楼梦英语读后感的全部内容,《红楼梦》读后感 作者:心月方舟 来源:不详 录入:匿名 日期:2005-2-27 字数:1516 纵观人类情恋的演变史,大体可分为史前情感史,古代情感史和现代情感史三个阶段。如果文学史正是人类情感史的一种反映再现,那么《红楼梦》一书在时代中的位置就更加清晰了。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

