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  • 大卫科波菲尔英文读后感,高二语文大卫情节概括200字

    大卫科波菲尔英文读后感?《大卫·科波菲尔》内容概括 大卫·科波菲尔尚未出世时,父亲就去世了,他在母亲及女仆的照管下长大。不久,母亲改嫁,后父摩德斯通凶狠贪婪,他把大卫看作累赘,婚前就把大卫送到了女仆的哥哥佩克提家里。那么,大卫科波菲尔英文读后感?一起来了解一下吧。


    The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. David's father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr. Edward Murdstone.

    David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr. Murdstone's sister, Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr. Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on.

    David returns home for the holidays to find that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after, David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die, and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens' own travails in a blacking factory.

    His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtor's prison (the King's Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away.

    The story follows David as he grows to adulthood and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave, and re-enter his life.









    "David Copperfield" David's life's joys and sorrows through the hero, multi-level revealing the true face of society at that time, highlighted the performance of money on marriage, family and social corrosion. The formation of the novel in a series of tragedies are caused by money. Maude Stone, David's mother is a fool to marry her coveted property; Emile Korea's elopement is the lure of money can not afford; Weikefeier a pain, Helmut despair, and both are undesirable consequence of the money. The despicable sheep is the next step in terms of money the temptation to degenerate, and finally come to life in prison for their despicable ends. Dickens is from a humanitarian idea, exposed the evil of money, thus opening a "Victoria Golden Age," a beautiful curtain, revealing the hidden truth about the subsequent social.



    If Charles Dickens created his child hero Oliver Twist for his sympathetic commiseration of orphans and his discontent of the ill-functioning society, we could say that he created his other child hero David Copperfield for a completely different reason. Critics consider "David Copperfield" as Dickens' autobiographical novel that unmasked a great account of Dickens' early childhood upbringings. It is often said that it is impossible to understand a great classic work without understanding the writer first. To read "David Copperfield" is to understand Charles Dickens, which will further deepen the understanding of Dickens other works.

    The Theme

    Honestly speaking, I consider "David Copperfield" a bit dry in terms of plot development and dramatic climax comparing to "Oliver Twist". I understand that this has to do with the fact that this is a semi-autobiography that had to carry some purpose of relating to the realities in Dickens childhood. Another attributed reason is that unlike "Oliver Twist", "David Copperfield" is a bildungsroman, that is, a novel that develops a character from childhood to adulthood. It is understandable that climax is hard to be defined or to be captured when writing a bildungsroman where story is defined by time progress rather than events.

    As Dickens' earlier works were published serially, his writings were also finished serially, either weekly or monthly, according to the needs of publications. It was not until the rather cool receipt of his "Martin Chuzzlewit" that Dickens started considering taking upon a more constructed writing style with numbered plans in plot development. "David Copperfield" was thus produced under such constructed and well-planned writing, which, I believe, added special dramatic affect to the stories. The repetitive reappearance of several important characters in David Copperfield's life confirms the reality in which we all experience the re-acquaintance with people we've met and that the relationship is strengthened with each re-acquaintance. Writing constructively, rather serially, gave Dickens the opportunity to cultivate each of these characters, their relationship with David Copperfield and the impact they have on David Copperfield. Instead of introducing minor characters that were forgotten later on, Dickens gave each character a purpose of existence in the story, which also engaged readers into the story and added flavor to the plot.

    The story of David Copperfield ended in the most beautiful merriness, with David finding the true hero of his life - himself. However, an interesting question that we should ask is, has Charles Dickens let his own kindness take over the realism that fictional works should bring forward to the readers? Many critics seem to think Dickens plot his story to make the readers feel good, rather than show the reader what human life is really like. I don't think I have read enough of Dickens' works to pass any judgment, but I do like to point out that, as a writer, I do believe that a story to express realism makes a greater echo in readers' hearts than a story to please.

    The Language

    The more I read Charles Dickens' works, the more I am convinced that his works, his language, to be more specific, need to be appreciated only by imaginative minds. I am not advocating this because I am an immediate admirer of old British language style, I sincerely believe that it would be beneficial for people to appreciate more of beauty of the literate language used in Dickens' writings, or any old British writer's writings for that matter.


    David Copperfield is the novel that draws most closely from Charles Dickens's own life. Its eponymous hero, orphaned as a boy, grows up to discover love and happiness, heartbreak and sorrow amid a cast of eccentrics, innocents, and villains. Praising Dickens's power of invention, Somerset Maugham wrote: "There were never such people as the Micawbers, Peggotty and Barkis, Traddles, Betsey Trotwood and Mr. Dick, Uriah Heep and his mother. They are fantastic inventions of Dickens's exultant imagination...you can never quite forget them.


    Human Nature

    David Copperfield was written by Dickens and it is a long piece of fiction. The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself. When reading this novel, I was totally attracted by not only the exciting plot but also the author‘s sprightly smooth and the humorous charming language.

    The main character, David Copperfield is a diligent person who is good at observing. His father passed away in his early time, and his mother departed later, which made him make a living independently. At first, he was sent to do the child laborer. Latter, because cannot bear the maltreatment, he ran away to his aunt’s home. His aunt sent him to school, after graduate, he become a lawyer and marry his teacher’s daughter Dora. But soon, Dora died of disease and David leave for Australia with deep sorrow. After returning to homeland, he had become a writer and married Agnes, and from this time he starts the happy content life.

    The novel plot is just like this,though there are not many soul-stirring scenes and imposing heroic achievement,lets me feel that I was appreciating a fresh picture.

    David’s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. David experiencedmany things which were difficult and dangerous, when he was in trouble, his friends came to help him. Among those people, there were men and women, elders and children. Though they were different, all can render oneself in one's power assistance at difficult time. Due to have these truly friends, David can turn danger into safety and be pulled in the death edge by the companion again and again. What can let he pass the danger is the great human nature.

    I thinkthe human nature passes through this book. In the novel, there are many art characters, in my opinion,these are the actually living character in the real life. These characters are not only lived in 19th century, but also live inthe present age.The human nature is ided into two parts, elegant and ugly.The elegant human nature should always be remembered by us and not be diluted by the time’s change. We should develop and let it lead the entire human nature for it has a great significance for our society. The ugly human nature should be forbidden and not appear in the society, it is not only does no significance to our society, even also can tow the hind leg which we progress.

    The good servant Peggotty was kind all the time. She does not like to show herself in front of people, her kindness comes from her heart, and then I associate others in the world, some of them are hypocritical and unctuous. Which they can’t get rid of is their own interest. No matter what they do, they first think is that whether their interest will be destroyed or their purpose will be completed. They are selfish, and their mind should be corrected with the standard of Peggotty’s.

    In our actually society, many people are similar to Steerforth, he is very cunning, he made friends with David then cheat his friends. At first, they pretended very gentle or outstanding to their friends, in fact, they had their own purpose. After having their friends confused, then the evil plan started. Taking advantage of other’s trust to cheat and running away when they completed the purpose. Their human natures are ugly and hateful.

    But the man who was most hated is Uriah Heep. Uriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David’s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David’s marriages are both motivated by love He always displays very much base and low in front of others, as if he want to win others sympathy, he likes to do this at any time. Actually, he has other goal, when he cooperation with David, he want to make him breakdown and cause him to stain the excessive drinking abuse, he embezzled public funds and try to buy his office. I think there are many people who are similar to Uriah in the market, they always like to enjoy the process of destroying others to accumulate their own wealth. Sometimes they even cheat their closed person. In front of the family members, they are very successful and splendid, but no one know that they receive these by betrayed their own human nature. They obtain the splendid while harvested the evil. I think ordinary people will not want this kind of splendid.

    以上就是大卫科波菲尔英文读后感的全部内容,一、 读 后 感 本书讲述了大卫·科波菲尔在成长过程中遭遇的各种磨难和辛酸,成年后不屈不挠的奋斗,都表现了一个小人物在社会中寻找出路痛苦历程。童年时,由于母亲改嫁,大卫·科波菲尔被送去当童工,受尽了折磨。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
