The Bluest Eye': notes on history, community, and black female subjectivity
by Jane Kuenz
In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, the Breedloves' storefront apartment is graced overhead by the home of three magnificent whores, each a tribute to Morrison's confidence in the efficacy of the obvious. The novel's unhappy convergence of history, naming and bodies--delineated so subtly and variously elsewhere--is, in these three, signified most simply and most crudely by their bodies and their names: Poland, China, the Maginot Line. With these characters, Morrison literalizes the novel's overall conflation of black female bodies as the sites of fascist invasions of one kind or another, as the terrain on which is mapped the encroachment and colonization of African-American experiences, particularly those of its women, by a seemingly hegemonic white culture. The Bluest Eye as a whole documents this invasion--and its concomitant erasure of specific local bodies, histories, and cultural productions--in terms of sexuality as it intersects with commodity culture. Furthermore, this mass culture and, more generally, the commodity capitalism that gave rise to it, is in large part responsible--through its capacity to efface history--for the "disinterestedness" that Morrison condemns throughout the novel. Beyond exempting this, Morrison's project is to rewrite the specific bodies and histories of the black Americans whose positive images and stories have been eradicated by commodity culture. She does this formally by shifting the novel's perspective and point of view, a narrative tactic that enables her, in the process, to represent black female subjectivity as a layered, shifting and complex reality.
The disallowance of the specific cultures and histories of African-Americans and black women especially is figured in The Bluest Eye primarily as a consequence of or sideline to the more general annihilation of popular forms and images by an ever more all-pervasive and insidious mass culture industry. This industry increasingly disallows the representation of any image not premised on consumption or the production of normative values conducive to it. These values are often rigidly tied to gender and are race-specific to the extent that racial and ethnic differences are not allowed to be represented. One lesson from history, as Susan Willis reiterates, is that "in mass culture many of the social contradictions of capitalism appear to us as if those very contradictions had been resolved" ("I Shop" 183). Among these contradictions we might include those antagonisms continuing in spite of capitalism's benevolent influence, along the axes of economic privilege and racial difference. According to Willis, it is because "all the models [in mass cultural representation] are white"--either in fact or by virtue of their status as "replicants ... devoid of cultural integrity"--that the differences in race or ethnicity (and class, we might add) and the continued problems for which these differences are a convenient excuse appear to be erased or made equal "at the level of consumption" ("I Shop" 184). In other words, economic, racial and ethnic difference is erased and replaced by a purportedly equal ability to consume, even though what is consumed are more or less competing versions of the same white image.
There is evidence of the presence and influence of this process of erasure and replacement throughout The Bluest Eye. For example, the grade school reader that prefaces the text was (and in many places still is) a ubiquitous, mass-produced presence in schools across the country. Its widespread use made learning the pleasures of Dick and Jane's commodified life dangerously synonymous with learning itself. Its placement first in the novel makes it the pretext for what is presented after: As the seeming given of contemporary life, it stands as the only visible model for happiness and thus implicitly accuses those whose lives do not match up. In 1941, and no less so today, this would include a lot of people. Even so, white lower-class children can at least more easily imagine themselves posited within the story's realm of possibility. For black children this possibility might require a double reversal or negation: Where the poor white child is encouraged to forget the particulars of her present life and look forward to a future of prosperity--the result, no doubt, of forty years in Lorain's steel mills--a black child like Pecola must, in addition, see herself, in a process repeated throughout The Bluest Eye, in (or as) the body of a white little girl. In other words, she must not see herself at all. The effort required to do this and the damaging results of it are illustrated typographically in the repetition of the Dick-and-Jane story first without punctuation or capitalization, and then without punctuation, capitalization, or spacing.
可想而知,在欧洲国家的黑人家庭的生活有多么步履维艰,而她就诞生在那样的社会环境中。父母的恩爱体谅,也被时间渐渐消磨殆尽,分毫不留。婚后的枯燥生活,无休止的争吵,频繁的家庭冲突,都让她的心灵更加摇摇欲坠 。所以,是不是,只要有一双蓝色的眼睛,摆脱这个低微的血统,是不是,有了蓝色的眼睛,现在的一切都会不一样?这个念头如跗骨之蛆,野生的草,疯狂在心头蔓延着。真的,好想有一双蓝色的眼睛,改变这不如意的一切。
俄亥俄州的小镇上,11岁的黑人小女孩佩科拉因为黑皮肤和长相难看受到老师、同学和家人的鄙视。她寂寞孤独,长时间坐在镜子前,试图找到造成她不幸的根源。最终,她把原因归咎为自己没有一双蓝眼睛。在年幼的佩科拉看来,蓝眼睛代表了美好的生活。如果自己有一双蓝眼睛,父亲就不会酗酒、不会殴打母亲,母亲不会嫌弃她,哥哥不会离家出走,老师和同学也不会鄙视她。于是,她每晚向上帝乞求,让自己长出一双蓝色的眼睛。然而,佩科拉的愿望非但没有实现,反而被父亲 *** ,怀有了身孕。之后,婴儿早产夭折,而佩科拉陷入疯癫。最后,她在精神错乱中以为自己拥有了梦寐以求的蓝眼睛。
-读《 最蓝的眼睛 》有感
以上就是最蓝的眼睛读后感的全部内容,爱莉斯有蓝眼睛。 捷瑞有蓝眼睛。捷瑞在跑。爱莉斯在跑。他们的蓝眼睛 也跟着跑。四只蓝眼睛。四只漂亮的 蓝眼睛。天蓝色的眼睛。和福瑞斯太太的 衬衫一样蓝。清晨般的蓝眼睛。 爱莉斯和捷瑞小人书里一般的蓝眼睛。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。